Everyone deserves to have a great credit score and get there as soon as possible.


We aim to provide the fastest, most efficient credit repair service, without all of the confusion of multi-level programs other credit repair companies offer.


Our standard service program includes every credit repair strategy and leverages every consumer protection statute that the law allows.


You are assigned a Personal Credit Consultant who will be responsible for working on your case and communicating with you. No talking to reps sitting in call centers who are unfamiliar with your case and just reading notes from their computer screens. Instead, you’ll be communicating one on one with the person working on your case, submitting all of the investigations, and doing the updates.


Every one of our clients gets access to our Online Client Portal where they will be able to monitor their progress and work completed on their credit in real time


Compare the services that we offer against any other company’s best or premium service and you’ll realize that our standard service is not only comparable but, in most cases actually exceeds the other guys.


No $300 Sign Up fees, no $50 consultation fees, no $20 credit report fees, no per deletion fees, no cancelation fees.
Just $49.99 a month. That’s it!
You never have to worry about any extra fees or charges sneaking up on you.

Are you ready to start your journey toward a better credit score?

Standard Plan

*Choose the Standard Plan to start your journey towards a better credit score with reliable and steady progress!*
$ 39
  • Our Standard Plan provides comprehensive credit repair services, including a detailed credit analysis, personalized credit counseling, and the dispute of negative items on your credit report. This plan is ideal for those who need steady and consistent credit improvement
  • Setup Fee:* $99 (one-time fee)
  • Monthly Fee:* $39 per month
  • Credit Report Review:* Thorough analysis of your credit report to identify negative items.
  • Standard Dispute Process:* Regular disputes to remove inaccurate, outdated, or unverifiable information from your credit report.
  • Credit Counseling:* Personalized advice and strategies to help you manage your finances and maintain a healthy credit score.
  • Debt Management Guidance:* Assistance in creating a plan to effectively manage and reduce your debts.
  • Monthly Progress Updates:* Regular updates to keep you informed about the status of your credit repair.
  • Customer Support:* Access to our knowledgeable support team for guidance and assistance.

Accelerated Plan*

Get started with the Fast Track Plan today and see quicker improvements to your credit score!*
$ 39
  • For those who want faster results, our Accelerated Plan offers a more intensive approach. This plan challenges more accounts at a time, expediting the credit repair process. You’ll receive the same comprehensive services as the Standard Plan, but with a focus on achieving quicker improvements to your credit score.)
  • Setup Fee:* $499 (one-time fee)
  • Monthly Fee:* $39 per month
  • Priority Processing:* Expedites the credit repair process by challenging more accounts at a time.
  • Comprehensive Credit Analysis:* Detailed review of your credit report to identify negative items.
  • Aggressive Disputes:* Faster and more frequent disputes to remove inaccurate, outdated, or unverifiable information.
  • Personalized Credit Counseling:* Tailored advice and strategies to manage your finances and maintain a healthy credit score.
  • Debt Management Assistance:* Help with creating and following a plan to reduce your debts effectively.
  • Regular Progress Updates:* Frequent updates on your progress and the status of your credit repair.
  • Priority Support:* Access to our top credit repair experts for guidance and assistance.

Premium Plan*

Experience the highest level of service with the Premium Plan and achieve your financial goals faster!*
$ 39
  • Our Premium Plan is designed for those who need the fastest and most comprehensive credit repair services. This plan provides the highest level of service, challenging the maximum number of accounts at once and offering priority support. In addition to the services included in the Standard and Accelerated Plans, the Premium Plan features enhanced credit counseling and personalized financial planning to ensure long-term credit health.
  • Setup Fee:* $999 (one-time fee)
  • Monthly Fee:* $39 per month
  • Maximum Account Challenges:* Challenges the maximum number of accounts simultaneously for the fastest results.
  • In-Depth Credit Analysis:* Extensive review of your credit report to pinpoint and address all negative items.
  • Enhanced Dispute Process:* Utilizes the most effective dispute techniques to ensure the removal of inaccurate, outdated, or unverifiable information.
  • Advanced Credit Counseling:* Comprehensive, personalized strategies to manage finances and sustain a high credit score.
  • Holistic Debt Management:* Expert assistance in developing and implementing a plan to effectively manage and reduce debts.
  • Exclusive Financial Planning:* Personalized financial planning services to support long-term credit health and financial success.
  • Priority Progress Updates:* Frequent and detailed updates on your credit repair status and improvements.
  • VIP Support:* Direct access to our top-tier credit repair specialists for personalized guidance and priority assistance.



We go over your credit report with a fine tooth comb breaking down every account to determine the best course of action to take in order to optimize your credit score and help you attain your goal in the minimum amount of time.


No matter how many accounts you have on your credit reports, you will only be charged our low monthly fee of $49.99.


Verifying that the credit bureaus are complying with the law by verifying your account through an accepted verification procedure is one of the strongest tools in the credit repair process.


Your credit score can decrease 2-5 points per inquiry. We will work with your creditors to verify the permissible purpose of the inquiries appearing in your credit reports.


Too many Personal Information Variances negatively impact your credit score. They are also markers for instability, displaying sporadic behavior to potential lenders. will work to remove multiple name, address, employer, and other personal information variances.


A friendly intervention which leverages your current upstanding relationship with your creditor in an effort to positively impact the past payment record and reporting on your credit report.


This mildly confrontational intervention requests documentation and proof of a creditor’s compliance with various consumer protection statutes, or a change to the way it is reporting an account on your credit reports.


This highly aggressive intervention enforces your Consumer Rights by demanding a complete accounting of the account in question including copies of the original signed application/contract, previous statements, and other documents asking the creditor to prove your liability in depth.

Are you ready to start your journey toward a better credit score?


*Monthly Payment Information*

At Credit Genius Pro, we strive to make our payment process straightforward and client-friendly. Here’s how our monthly fees work:

*Monthly Fees:* Your monthly payment of $39 will start 30 days after the initial setup. This ensures you have ample time to experience our services before the recurring charges begin.

We believe in transparency and providing value from the very start, allowing you to focus on improving your credit without immediate financial pressure.